
Plastic Matters - “Addressing Legislative Challenges in the Transition to a Circular Economy"

Denuo & essencia PolyMatters
Zet in mijn agenda 2025-03-14 10:40:23 2025-03-14 10:40:23 Plastic Matters - “Addressing Legislative Challenges in the Transition to a Circular Economy" BluePoint Brussels Reyerslaan 80 BluePoint Brussels 1030 Brussel België Denuo & essencia PolyMatters Europe/Brussels public

Op donderdag 30 mei organiseren Denuo en essenscia PolyMatters voor de zesde keer Plastic Matters in BluePoint Brussels. Dit keer zal het event in het teken staan van "Addressing Legislative Challenges in the Transition to a Circular Economy". 

De voertaal tijdens dit evenement is Engels.

Hieronder de lijst van deelnemers:


12:00 - Ontvangst en lunch

13:00 - Plastic Matters

  • Introduction: Saskia Walraedt, Director Essenscia Polymatters
  • Plastic waste & end-of-waste legislation in Flanders & Presentation of case studies: Wouter Dujardin, Team Productketens, Policy Advisor Textiles & EoW legislation, OVAM 
  • End-of-waste and by-products: state of play in Wallonia: Ir Didier Gohy, Attaché qualifié, Direction des Infrastructures de gestion et de la politique des déchets, Département du Sol et des Déchets, SPW Environnement 
  • The impact of the WSR revision on the plastic recycling industry: Aizea Astor Hoschen, Senior Legal & Policy Officer FEAD & Antoine Stilo, EU Policy Advisor, EURIC
  • Coffeebreak 
  • How to ensure traceability and effective recycling of Commercial & Industrial packaging: Jens Poelaert, Manager Operations, Valipac
  • Debate on the impact of the discussed regulations on business operations: Moderator Inge Dewitte, Advisor Denuo
  • Conclusion & Closing: Saskia Walraedt, Director Essenscia Polymatters

16:00 - Einde


BluePoint Brussels
Reyerslaan 80
BluePoint Brussels
1030 Brussel

12:00 - 17:00
* Leden, partners en genodigden van Denuo of essenscia: gratis
* Geen lid, partner of genodigde van Denuo of essenscia: € 150 (excl. btw)

